Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BUSTED: CNN's Soledad O'Brien Caught Using Liberal Blog To Attack Ryan Plan

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Can CNN's Soledad O'Brien make her sources any more apparent than she did Monday night?
While filling in for Anderson Cooper, O'Brien was actually caught on screen looking at an article from the far-left website Talking Points Memo to assist her in a heated debate with Romney campaign senior adviser Barbara Comstock (video follows with commentary):

She is caught red handed reading from a far left blog in this interview.

So, what did Wyden say? It is here in the Huffington Post.

However, by that same token, those of us who care about the Medicare Guarantee shouldn't discourage Republicans from working in a bipartisan way to preserve the program in the future.

But that is what's happening with O'Brien.  She is trying to make it look as if Ryan isn't really trying to work in a bipartisan way.  Moreover, she is repeating left-wing propaganda by rote.  This is supposedly from a news organization.

You have to dig deeper than the surface of this stuff, but who has the time for that?

A little more here on what's really going on here:
Democrats always planned to run their 2012 campaigns against Paul Ryan's budget. They were apopleptic, if that's not too strong a word, at how Sen. Ron Wyden teamed up with Ryan (in March) to propose a few Medicare fixes.

It's all about the propaganda.  Wyden committed a big no-no by working with Ryan.  Wyden must get with the Party Line.  Propaganda 1, Truth  0.

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