Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aiken Controversy

There are calls for Aiken to leave based upon something he said.  Without knowing more details, it is hard to comment upon it in depth.  But what I've seen is not encouraging.

With respect to the "niceness" issue that was brought up earlier, it seems that Republicans are so, so intent on keeping that image, that they are sacrificing another image.  They are appearing weak.  All it takes is some controversy and these people go into panic mode.  Unless it is particularly egregious, I'd say they are grossly over-reacting.  If I can find what he said, I might change that tune a little, but at the moment, the Republicans are just too damned soft.  It doesn't take much to upset their applecart, that's for sure.

It is not reassuring to see all of the leadership voices calling for Aiken to quit.  I dissent.

Now I've found the words.  I repeat.  THIS IS WEAK.  If they get huffy about it, you can't win anyway.

All he said was something that he may be wrong about and foolish to say it, but it isn't in my opinion something that should disqualify him for Christ's sake.  It isn't that big of a deal.  If the left wants to make a big deal out of it, I say LET THEM.

Soft, soft, soft.  They are getting rolled again.  And this is what we've got to go against this juggernaut.

I have to call bullshit on this one. Replacing Aiken solves nothing, and probably makes the problem worse.


Looks like the Democrats wanted Aiken to run against.  I don't know if they somehow arranged it, but this gaffe works in their favor.  This may be the only reason to go along with the idea of replacing Aiken, but  allowing Aiken on the ballot in the first place raises other issues.

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