Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On the use of language

Something about that last video that I want to discuss briefly.  Barnhardt mentioned the abuse of language as a problem in our culture.  The meanings of words have been twisted into something which does not inform, but does the opposite.  I had a post on that subject over a year ago which corresponds nicely with that.  Notice the use of the word nice in that context.  Nice is a good thing.  It expresses approval.  It may not correspond exactly with the historical derivation of the word as Barnhardt described, but that is its common usage today in the language.

So, the word "nice" may have been twisted a little from its original meaning.  Now, the word that is opposite in meaning from "nice" is "mean".  But I looked up that word yesterday and it wasn't there.  Therefore, that word must have fallen into infrequent usage.  English can be that way.  Words can come and go and take on different meanings, such as the word "mean".  Anyone using the English language will know what you mean what you say that someone is mean.  At least, those here in the United States will understand.  That word is still used in many circles, I would imagine.  It means the opposite of "nice".  It means disagreeable and unpleasant.  It can even mean cruel and unjust.  A good example is the way in which Soledad O'Brien conducted herself during that interview of Joel Pollack.  She was dishonest and unjust during that interview.  I would say that she seemed downright mean.

But I think I know what  Barnhardt was really intending with her video.  It was not to be passively acquiescent in submitting to injustice.  That wouldn't be "nice", that would be foolish and cowardly. In that regard, Pollack acted perfectly well.  O'Brien's behavior was atrocious, but he conducted himself with honor and dignity.  Liberals may want to bully and intimidate-- that isn't nice.  It also isn't nice to submit to bullying and intimidation --- it is appropriately dignified and honorable to object to abusive treatment in a proper and dignified way.  Of course, liberals may sneer at this.  But that is only because they are unnaturally mean.

So, being nice is okay.  Being foolish and cowardly is not.  Being mean is not okay, and it isn't mean to point out that one is being an asshole and should straighten the hell up.  I would suggest that to any conservative in the future who might be inclined to go onto one of these shows and attempt to talk with one of these liberal assholes to point out in uncertain terms at how they are being assholes.  Because that is what O'Brien was in that interview.  A geniune and pure D asshole.  Pollack managed to do that with class and honor, which was obviously missing with that panel.  It wouldn't be too much of a stretch that they need a bit of an attitude adjustment as we say in Texas.  Now that would be nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree english language can be really twisted and misleading