Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's all about ideas

By George Gilder--- Mr. Gilder is the author of 15 books, a venture investor, and a co-founder of the Discovery Institute. This article is adapted from the prologue to his Wealth and Poverty: A New Edition for the Twenty-First Century(Regnery).

A discussion about wealth, what it is, and how it is created.  Why socialism is a futile endeavor, doomed to failure.

  • Capitalism is the supreme expression of human creativity and freedom
  • All progress comes from the creative minority
  • Entrepreneurship is the launching of surprises
  • wealth is nearly as difficult to maintain as it is to create
  • The reason capitalism works is that the creators of wealth are granted the right and the burden of reinvesting it.
  • The reason lower marginal tax rates produce more revenues than higher ones is that the lower rates release the creativity of employers, allowing them to garner more information.
  • Capitalist economies grow because they award wealth to its creators, who have already proven that they can increase it. 
We are on the wrong track because the Democrats are hostile to these ideas.  If they prevail in the coming election, we will go the way of the rest of the Third World and become a Third World country ourselves.  We owe our success to capitalism--- socialism is ruin.

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