Thursday, August 23, 2012

CNN on Romney: Obama wants to 'substitute' freedom

CNN's Ashley Killough

 Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said in a statement. "This isn't a recipe for strength; it's the same failed formula that crashed the economy and devastated the middle class in the first place."

Err.  You have to wonder about the neutrality of this post when the author copies it uncritically.

What's wrong with that statement?
  1. There were more Americans working after 8 years of the Bush Administration than before. Despite the recessions, one in which he inherited, their policies created jobs.  Obama cannot make the same claim, even though he inherited a recession, fewer Americans are working since he began office.
  2. No mention of the blocked Keystone Pipeline, which would have created jobs.
  3. No mention of his war against fossil fuels, which is destroying jobs.
  4. No mention of his ObamaCare, which will drive the insurance business out of business.
Another Obama groupie regurgitating Obama campaign propaganda.  Not exactly what you would call journalism.

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