Monday, August 20, 2012

Being nice is overrated

Western Civilization is being destroyed because of "niceness".  The cardinal human virtue is not being nice.

She says that it weakens true virtues so that only an empty dry husk remains-- otherwise known as "nice people".

What does niceness mean?  People are too often fooled because of the twisting of language.  Example "Islam is Peace", "Healthcare is a right.", "you have to be nice".  Nice comes from Middle English meaning "foolish".  Other roots of this word are similarly unflattering.  Until recently, a "nice person" was not considered worthy of respect.  We have been taught that being an ignorant fool is a cardinal virtue.  This puts our culture at risk.

No more going along to get along.  When someone says something that is false, we need to stand and call it out as untrue.

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