Thursday, July 12, 2012

Simberg: “Why Doesn’t The Press Report On This?”

Transterrestrial Musings

I told him that Elon Musk personally financed the company for all of its first $100 million, when no one else would bet on the venture, and he saw it through thick and thin, including the first three launches of the Falcon 1, all of which failed spectacularly. As I told him these stories of heroic entrepreneurship, I could see his mind turning. He found a reconciliation: “I never read any of this in the news. Why doesn’t the press report on this?”

The $64K question.  After all, that is what this blog is all about. (See the "About the Blog" on the sidebar.)

The media continually fails us.   Somebody has to step into the breach, or the ship will go to the bottom.

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