Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not just here, but Europe too

Things may be pretty bad here, as I've indicated in the previous posts.  But this story is another indication that it is a problem in all of Western Civilization.

To be more clear, I cite this headline from Ace of Spades

The LIBOR Scandal: Banks Dishonestly Manipulated Key Interbank Lending Rate In Order To Make Their Own Outsized Borrowing Seem Less Risky

I've suspected for a long time that the key economic numbers that we are given are bogus.  This is just a prime example of it.  Another:  let's see.  Obama is bragging about how he saved GM.  Do you know that most of their sales have been to the government?  That's right.  The government is propping up GM in more ways than one.  Another example:  most of the bonds sold to fund the deficit are being bought by the government itself.  It is all a house of cards.

Everything, and I do mean everything is breaking down.

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