Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog: Warren Buffet's Keystone Bonanza

American Thinker

An accusation of crony capitalism is charged with respect to the XL Pipeline foot-dragging by the Administration.  It so happens that rail could carry the crude oil to refineries as opposed to building a pipeline. If the rail option is taken, Buffett reaps the benefits as he just recently bought the rail line that could be moving the oil.  Inasmuch as Buffett often supports Democrat causes, this may be no mere coincidence.

Even as much as this would stink to high heaven, we still need the oil.  Pipelines are more efficient, though.  At the increased cost of using rail, the oil will still be welcome, but an additional cost will be imposed upon consumers.  The profits can be used to give campaign donations to Democrats.

Isn't it convenient how that works?

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