Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hotair: Cain "blanks" on Libya, supports collective bargaining for public employees

I found this off of Instapundit this morning.  Reynolds says he stands by what he said previously- which is that the feminists are hypocrites.  He points to this as evidence that Cain's problem is bigger than sexual harassment.

As I pointed out previously, the "blank" out was over-hyped.  Cain's answer was right on the mark, albeit a bit tardy in coming.   I would rather have a correct answer, which was that "we don't know who these people are", than to get a quick, glib answer that is off the mark.  Better to be laser beam accurate and fast, but I'll take a slow, deliberate, and correct answer.

The attention should be on Obama, not Cain.  Obama got us into a conflict in Libya and we still don't know who these people are and what is going to come after Khadaffy.  Instead of applauding Cain's answer, they are jumping all over him for being too slow.

This made me a bit mad, so I got into an argument this morning.  My opponent says "that's the way it is", mostly in connection to the sex harassment charges.  He says that it doesn't matter if the charges are true or not, it is what these politicians do.  I said that I can't accept that.  He went on to say that he likes Cain, but he didn't know what you can do about it.  I said "find a way".   You can't just take this stuff, you have to fight back.

It is disappointing to me that conservatives seem to be piling on.  Sorry, I can't accept that it is all politics, and that's there's nothing you can do about it.  He is lumping conservatives with liberals- yet he claims to be a conservative.  That's like spitting in your own face.  If we don't think we are better, why the hell are we in this to begin with?  The charges against Clinton were correct, I pointed out.   He said that made no difference if the charges are correct or not.  It matters to me.  I don't support a party that falsely charges others and allows their own to be falsely charged in return.  It is not just a game.  It is our future.  It matters.

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