Thursday, November 17, 2011

Barnhardt Capital BCM Has Ceased Operations (Part 1)

Does this mean that Chris Laird was right, and doomsday is around the corner?

This is not to make fun of what is happening here.  In some places on the net, it is said that Limbaugh is warning about an imminent collapse. 

I don't know about that, but it wouldn't surprise me if a crash occurred.  Laird has been predicting it for months.  As for yours truly, I got out a couple years ago.  There was something fishy about the FED monetizing debt while the stock market stages a rally that was incongruous to the situation.   Shorting the market was not successful for me at the time, but it should have been.  Short it now?  Not a chance.  You'd be lucky to collect your profits, due to the market being dishonest.  And the sheriff (Obama) is as big a crook as any.

So, Ann Barnhardt is getting out of the markets.  What kept her in for so long?

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