Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Peculiar Madness of Paul Krugman

By Robert Tracinski

  • The debt deal unhinged the left.  As usual, no one was more unhinged than Paul Krugman.
  • The insanity comes from the context in which Krugman was writing. ( comment: unlimited Keynesianism)
  • Only in Washington could a plan to increase the national debt from 65% to 80% of GDP in less than a year and a half be called a "debt reduction" deal.
  • what he is proposing is that we can spend our way to growth  ( comment: no, it is equality uber alles
  • How can they plume themselves on their "scientific" thoughtfulness and rationality, when they haven't done the basic work of sitting down and figuring out how to make a convincing argument?
The left is calling the right mad and vice versa.  Obviously, Krugman types don't feel the need to listen to anybody, but somebody had better start listening.  Otherwise, we've got big troubles ahead, even worse than financial.

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