Saturday, August 6, 2011

How we got here

This post may sound a little phony to some, but to me, it is very real. I've noticed something, even at the very beginning of this blog, and that is how everyone wants to zero in on the problem.

What I mean by this is this: people seem to want the conflict as opposed to doing anything constructive about it. For example, take the most recent downgrade of America's credit worthiness. That's a problem, but instead of focusing on a solution to that problem, people will start pointing fingers and actually refuse to do anything about it. They want the conflict, but what do they actually want to do that which will actually solve the problem?

I don't mean getting your own way. This presumes that your opponent has at least some valid points. Now, if your opponent will reciprocate and acknowledge that you have some valid points too, then you might get somewhere. Instead, egos get into the way. Also, fear of being beaten at the game overrides any meaningful attempt at problem solving, and the process breaks down. We need to set aside our fears and our egos and look for some common ground in order to solve our common problems.

Solutions exist, in my opinion. That is why I put the twist on the common phrase: "Houston, we have a problem." Instead of focusing on perpetuating that problem, let's find a way towards solving that problem and get some solutions. Just as on Apollo 13, solutions do exist. Just as with the Apollo mission, the situation is critical, so we'd better find a solution. All it takes is some teamwork to find those solutions and put them into practice. If we can do this, success is assuredly ours. If we do not, we will reap the failure that we so richly deserve.

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