Saturday, August 6, 2011

David Kaiser on the Friday Space Show

Perhaps I should set up a new category of posts with the label "quantum physics", since I've written a few posts on the topic.  The Space Show this past Friday covered that very topic, it attracted my interest.  They discussed Dr. Livingston's guest's book How the hippies saved physics

In particular interest to me is the topic of quantum entanglement, which is discussed in this video below, courtesy of the  Best0fScience YouTube channel.

It may be possible to get faster than light speed using quantum entanglement for communications.  This could have applications in space, for the distances are immense.

Even at light speed, a conversation with a crew on Mars would not be convenient if you depended completely on conventional means of communication.  It would take several minutes for a message to travel that kind of distance.


Another video about quantum physics ( in general, with historical discussion )


Ok, let's do one more, although this is not exactly what I had in mind in terms of learning about it. It may come across as a bunch of mumbo jumbo, so be forewarned. (As if you needed to be if you've gotten this far.)

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