Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Limbaugh doesn't like debt limit deal

I was anxious to find his reaction on the web, since I don't listen to his show very much anymore. He sees this as a tax increase because the Bush Tax Cuts are going away. That's by design, since they are using current law baseline, the tax cuts are due to expire. The tax cut expiration doesn't allow credit to be given for deficit reduction because the numbers are already baked into the cake in the current law.

Actually, the left is doing their Oscar winning performance over the alleged failure of Obama to get new revenue.  This also allows the fig leaf of a Republican victory to be portrayed to the Republican caucus.  It is also quite phony.

There is nothing to like about the bill.  It doesn't do anything but pretend to slow down the rate of growth of the government, plus it cuts military spending, and it will end up raising taxes.  It is a total defeat.

This reminds me of what Churchill said about Munich.  Chamberlain went to Munich to get "peace in our time", but got the opposite.  Then, when he got back, he was greeted with tumultuous applause, and anyone who said otherwise were shouted down.  The failure was so great that it was hard to imagine why Chamberlain did it.

It wasn't necessary in Europe in 1938, nor here today.  It is also a war between freedom and tyranny, and like Munich, tyranny won.   Limbaugh is sounding like Churchill.  He is saying that this was an unmitigated defeat and so it was.

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