Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (poem)

Is it true?  Not likely the case anymore, if it ever was.  What seems to rule the world these days is who controls the minds of the public.  This is accomplished by the major media and public schools.  These institutions have a iron grip upon the minds of the people.  At one time, it may have been the church, but the church's influence is fading fast.

Who controls the major media?  One might be shocked to discover that our people are being manipulated from outside this country.  That's because the media is owned by corporations, and corporations are global.  The boundaries no longer exist.  Lines are blurred.  Truth is only disclosed when it is convenient to the power brokers.  And ordinary people never seem to notice nor care.

Politicians and the media are in an incestuous relationship.  Both entities conspire to strengthen the iron grip upon the public mind.  Each help the other.  As far as opposition, the Republican party is just token opposition.  To the extent that they do oppose, it only enhances the illusion that there is a choice at all.  No sooner do they get elected than they begin doing the very things that they say they won't.  Then fail to do the things they said they would do.  It becomes a game which gives the appearance of opposition, but delivers no real opposition at all.

Meanwhile, the country continues to slide toward its destruction.  And the country's enemies from within and from without cheer on the sidelines.

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