Wednesday, November 27, 2024

It's a Trump victory, not a GOP victory

7:46 AM:


The GOP doesn't want to govern. The replacement for Romney is just another Romney type. These kind of political choices will only result in more of the same. The alignment has to continue a bit further before it can gather any steam.


The public has to realize that the old way is failing, and that we need a new way. Trump is a new way, but the old guard has succeeded in scaring the people back into line. Message to the fearful: Fear can make you stupid. The scare mongering is all the old guard has left. Even Hoover did stuff like that.




11:12 AM:



The GOP is full of douche bags like Haley and Romney. Meh.



If the GOP runs one of these again, they'll lose like they really love to do. Trump proved that he can win, but the GOP proves that even when they win, you might as well lose.










1:38 PM:


Exit the GOP Establishment out the door head first like this:





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