Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Rick Beato - The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse

Behind the Black blog post with youtube embed

Music was once a big deal to me. Somehow it has become less so. Perhaps the video linked here shows why, or it is because of other reasons.

I don't follow music like I used to. Developments have passed me by. I've seen comment section on youtube videos about how people hate modern music. When I saw those, I noted that the older generation hated our generation's music too. Maybe it is partly generational. So Beato's post has a lot of interesting information that I haven't heard about, and that goes into the mix.

And/or it could be that the internet has a dark side, and this is just one more facet of it. In the old days, there was no Big Tech spying on everybody all the time. If you wanted to spy on somebody, you had to do it the old fashioned way. Like a lot of things, it is just too easy to spy on people through the web. The same is true of music, according to Beato.

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