Friday, October 20, 2023

With a crisis comes an opportunity

Pooty Poot is dropping out of Test Ban Treaty---what it could mean

Glen Reynolds at Instapundit muses on the possibility of reviving the old idea of using nukes to get to the stars. It so happens that I did a study of the possibilities of that. It may be possible to spark a mini-hydrogen bomb with a minimal yield through the use of gamma rays.

Such a nuke would be a pure fusion device. Old fashion H-bombs needed a fission explosion to get the bomb to explode. But the pure fusion device wouldn't need that. It would induce fusion with a gamma ray. There are lasers that could be developed that use gamma rays. These are called grasers.

The Ukrainian war which Putin has started may yield an opportunity to develop space faring propulsion that would have over a million ISP. Trips to Mars would go a lot faster.

Of course the left would try to stop that. They don't even like SpaceX. They'd never go along with a space nuke idea. On the other hand, they cannot afford Pooty Poot with a monopoly of nuke space bombs.

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