Monday, August 28, 2023

No King, but the Constitution

The problem isn't the system. If the "system" was functional, none of this would have happened. Every officer who takes office must swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution. That's where it breaks down. It's the people who have no integrity who are the cause of these problems. They take an oath that they despise and dishonor at every turn.

This is why they want the guns. This is why they want to imprison anybody who may speak up and challenge their perfidy and dishonor. Trump did not attempt to overthrow the Constitution and they darned well know it. Trump was a challenge to THEM personally. These people do not support the Constitution, they are usurping it. They do not free us, but instead, they enslave us.

It is why they are destroying the culture that created it and sustained freedom. If those who pretend to care about it actually did what their oath requires, none of this would be happening.

Pence is a sell out. The modern GOP is loaded with sell outs. That's the problem. The Democrats don't give a rat's rear end about the law or the Constitution. They are only interested in it up to the point that they can use it so as to be able to destroy it. When they have safely destroyed it, then they will make their declaration that any opposition to them will be illegal.

That's why Trump is going to put in jail if they are allowed to get away with it. They have no such authority in the law, but the law is not what they are about. The pretend, just like they pretend to be the sex that they are not. Everything they say is a lie. Nothing of what they claim it is about is what is really about. It is about revolution and destroying the existing order, and replacing it with their perverted vision.

All the while they are doing this destruction, they are pretending to be supporting the Constitution. I'm talking about Pence and the rest of the sell outs. They are the useful idiots for the communists. They defend nothing and sell us all down the river. The new slavery's chains are being forged, but they do nothing to stop it. Indeed, they help it along.

A King isn't needed. An aroused and determined resistance to tyranny is needed. A King is what they want. It should not be given to them.

No King but the Constitution.

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