Sunday, March 20, 2022

Law of Attraction

There was this idea floating around that you see in popular culture regarding some law that says you attract to you what you are, or something like that. If I look at this blog that way, I may not feel particularly flattered. Few people come here. Rarely does anybody comment. The first post in this blog was over a decade ago. I started off by asking a question, that can be seen as an attempt at humor. The question was: "Who am I, and what am I doing here?"

Those who come here may ask that same question. Who are you, and what are you doing here? I don't demand an answer. You can ask that of yourselves.

Nobody pays me anything to write this blog. There's no money, influence, or favor in it. But why write it at all? I suppose to feel some sense of importance, and to have some illusion of influence over the course of events. I can say "screw you" to the world, but the world is willing and able to do the same. I can try to reason with people, but if they don't want to listen, then it is all in vain.

I'm not a young guy anymore. I'm not particularly healthy. God knows how much time I have left on this Earth. I prefer to spend it doing constructive things. It may not end up that way. Lots of things seem to have gone wrong in my span upon this Earth. I hope that this is not another one in the list.

The way I see it, things could veer completely out of control at any time. I don't want to add to the probability of that happening. This blog doesn't have much reach, so it has limited ability to do anything at all. To the extent that it adds or subtracts, I don't want to kid myself as to that or to anything else for that matter. If it adds or subtracts even just a little, I prefer it to be constructive.

All in all, I am just a guy. I won't pretend to be what I am not. Things that are quite important right now in the larger scheme of things are not in my hands. I'd like to think I can have some influence, but maybe that isn't in the cards. So be it.

I am going to limit anything further to say about the larger scene. I do not recant a word of it. I do not like nor respect what our government is doing these days. But it is my country. I do not long for any other home.

That is all.

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