Friday, March 26, 2021

When woke ain't and sleep ain't


These people who claim to be "woke" aren't. They are being lied to continually and this information is of no interest to them. If they were really awake, and somebody was lying to them, they'd be interested. But they are not really "woke" after all.

The opposite is true with computers. There's a sleep mode, but the computer is not really asleep. You can see this for yourself if you monitor the computer management app in Windows 10. For example, I pulled the power cable off that charges the battery. When I observed that the computer noted the time I did this, it showed proof that the computer wasn't asleep.

If the computer is not really asleep, and it can monitor my actions, then what else is it doing while supposedly asleep? If you aren't sleepwalking, this may be of interest to you.

The computers are awake and we are asleep. This is true for those who claim to be "woke" or not.

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