Friday, November 29, 2019

We have tried getting along with the left. It doesn't work. Ask the Bushies.

There seems to be a pattern that I am seeing this morning as I scan the news.  Erik Erikson is calling for "grace" in response to the Democrats.   Then there is this latest one in the Hill site, from someone whose name I don't recognize, who seems to be blaming Trump for the division in the country.

Wait a minute, I thought.  Isn't it true that the left was doing the same thing when Bush was President?  As a matter of fact, they would have impeached Reagan over Iran/Contra if they could have.

I was not too sure what Erikson meant by "grace", so I googled it.  Courteous disagreement, it seemed to be saying.  Sure, that would be fine.  But this is useless if it is one-sided.  The conservative side needs to stop blaming itself for this "division" in the country.  That is how the left swindles us continually.  We are told to "get along", but if we play the game by the rules and win, there's a problem.  The problem gets worse after each election cycle.  At some point, it may well be illegal to disagree.  You can be as courteous as you wish in disagreement, but it won't matter if you are thrown in jail.  Trump has done nothing but oppose the Democrats and win at doing it.  We should not apologize for being victorious.

The problem is that the left simply will not accept conservatives.  Our "grace" is not reciprocated.  What do you do about that then?  Erikson said we should not depend on the strong man for protection.  Sure, I would agree.  But we should not put much faith in a weakling, either.  We all need to be stronger and assert our rights.  Grace should not be confused with weakness.  It is the siren song of surrender that we should guard against.  There is no cause for surrender when you should win, and all that is required to win would be to oppose them vigorously. 

Besides, I don't trust Erikson.  He might seem to be with us, but that "strong man" reference reminded me that he was a never-Trumper during the election, and might still be today.

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