Saturday, November 30, 2019

"Exhausted" former Congressman

He wants to convince some of his former colleagues to do the "courageous" thing and impeach Trump.

So he poses as a courageous fellow himself.  If he had run and won, he could have done what he claims that he would have done if he was still there.  But why isn't he still there?  Because he could not be elected when he acts the way he does.  He voted against Obamacare repeal.  He insults Trump supporters by calling them brown noses.  Evidently, he is not a loyal party man.

The other side of the coin is that some Democrats may be "exhausted" with their base as well.  ( Assuming that this guy was telling the truth. )  A dollar to a donut that a lot of them would just as soon not do this impeachment.  They are being pushed into it by the rabidly partisan base.

You have to wonder why this "courage" goes just one way.

Washington DC is 90% Democrat.  It would seem like the real courage is coming from Trump and his supporters, who are vastly outnumbered in a hostile zone.  The fakes who are "exhausted" should just go home and let the GOP base choose their replacements if they cannot in "good conscience" continue to support Trump.  They are not very good warriors, and would just as soon "brown nose" the Democrats who do not like them anyway.

If they vote to impeach, the Democrats will just say "thanks, sucker".

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