Friday, September 13, 2019

Texas won't go blue



I have a hunch that Latinos will turn out for Trump, but they won't turn out for the typical GOP candidate.  This is what the recent outcomes in N. Carolina tells me.  This district was plus 26 for Trump in 2016, but the GOP candidates barely win.

The disrespect for Trump amongst the GOP is a lot of Trump's problem right now.  If they were enthusiastically with him, and if the GOP would change its ways, there would be a different story right now.

I voted for Trump because I thought he could pull off such a realignment.  Cruz couldn't even win double digits in a primary in the Northeast.  Trump nearly won New Hampshire, and he took a Maine district.

Texas' Congressional delegation might go blue, but it doesn't have to.  If the public here would wise up, and nominate pro-Trump candidates, the GOP will hang on to Texas.


Another article about how Texas will turn blue.  However, people are forgetting how and why Texas still depends upon fossil fuels.  The Democrats are threatening to destroy the fossil fuel industry.  Why would anybody in their right mind vote themselves out of a job?  That what they will do if they vote Democrat.

I'm not buying that Texas will turn blue.  It will only turn blue if the GOP won't make that argument.


Unless the GOP lets them get away with talking like this in their so-called Climate telethon on the Commie News Network.

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