Friday, September 13, 2019

Democrat Presidential Debate

The transcript is available in case anybody's interested.  It is hard to read these blowhards, and I got sick of their stupid crap about half way through.

It would be very helpful if the GOP would get some backbone and tell these blowhards to stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

The fact of the matter is that a lot of ways exist to stop a gunman from shooting up a place.  It is just that these people only want to use it as an issue, and don't really want to attack the problem.

Instead, we'll get another gun control law that won't solve the problem, and guess what?  It will happen again, and we'll have the same thing to do all over again.

Earlier today, I was looking at ways that a shooter could get immobilized.  If an establishment was truly interested in making their place safe, they would be doing these kind of things.  It doesn't even require a gun.  You can immobilize a person in a number of ways and these don't necessarily require somebody to have a gun.  If an establishment wants to ban guns on their premises, they should be required to have an insurance policy to pay for all the damages that may occur if they do nothing else to secure their place.

How to stop these guys?  You can hit a gunman in the head with something.   You can hit them with tear gas or laughing gas.  Or use mace.  You can't reach them?  Usually these guys are solitary.  Please don't give me any crap about not being able to do anything to stop these guys.   If you are prepared in advance, you can stop somebody.  The guy would be outnumbered by dozens to one.  You can't stop him?  I think that is a load of bull.

If you look overseas, they now are trying to ban knives.  That's because there are a lot of ways to be violent.  When gun control gets all guns, they'll just choose different weapons.  The problem is in how you are approaching the problem.  The problem isn't the weapons, it is the people, and how the problem is not being addressed properly.

The debate was just a bunch of blowhards playing up their partisan audience.  If the GOP cannot or will not stand up to this kind of rhetoric, they may as well go the way of the Whigs.  They would be useless and everybody would know it.  Why should they win if all they do is act like the other party?

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