Saturday, April 27, 2019

Don Surber: Noonan blames Trump for the attempted coup

Don Surber: Noonan blames Trump for the attempted coup: A reader wrote: Don, PLEASE do a take down of this garbage from Peggy Noonan. It makes my blood boil because it is so unfair to Trump, and...

Here's a quote that I lifted:
Noonan's column is like a plantation owner in the 1870s longing for a return to the Antebellum South.
Nope. The Old South failed. Now Old Washington has failed too. We are not going back. No amount of personal attacks on the president will change that.

Let us hope so.

By the way, if Trump made them do it, does that make Trump the Devil?  Then they could say that the Devil made them do it.

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