Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Truth About Christianity That Nobody Tells You

So, I mentioned that YouTube is cutting me short a bit.  However, I found this channel, and found some interesting stuff.

This video has a lot of views, but it is a series.  In order to find all of the rest, you will need to click on the channel and see the links to all of them.

I went through several so far, but by no means all.  One thing that you may notice is that the audience numbers go down the further you get into it.

What does this tell me?  It tells me that he is beginning to contradict a few things that the first comers believed.  As he goes along, he loses more and more.  How many would stick with him until the end of his series?

As for me, I don't know.

I'm stopping now to take a break from it, and to write this post.  Will I go back?  Maybe.  I see no reason not to at this time.  By the way, I see no sharing the code for embedding, so there is no video for you to click on directly.  It is only a text link.

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