Saturday, October 27, 2018

"Bombs" weren't bombs


6:00 am:

After reading a bit about the suspect, just one comment:  that this guy cannot be dismissed as a mere nutcase.  That is all.  More than that would be speculation, and I would rather not do that.

5:00 am:
The "bomber" has been apprehended.  There has been only a limited amount of information about the guy as of yesterday, which was the last time I read the news on him.  With limited information, there should be limited commentary, so for now, there won't be a lot to say about him.   There is too much that we still don't know.


The stuff in the bombs won't explode.  The "devices" didn't have exploders.  Therefore, they weren't bombs.  Heck, you cannot even call them a device.  It is just a prop that looks like a bomb.

You don't call a toy gun a gun.  Don't call a fake bomb a bomb.

If it is a false flag deal, then will the Democrats apologize?  Don't bet on it.

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