Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A small example of why I am suspicious of never Trumpers

She writes today that violence is infecting both right and left.

Where has that been demonstrated?  Because of a bomb threat to a few Democrats?  We don't know who did this yet.  Yes, it might be a false flag operation, or it might not be.  We don't know yet.

Until you have the facts of the matter, you don't jump to conclusions about who is responsible.

There have been times when there was an incident, like Gabby Giffords, in which the left blamed the right for it, when that turned out to be false.  What if this one is too?

Democrat Gabby Giffords was shot by a guy who was not affiliated with the right, but GOP Congressman Scalise was shot by a guy definitely affiliated with the left.   Could it be that this bomb threat is a way to try to draw some sort of equivalency, when there isn't one?  The left is inciting violence-- see Hillary and Maxine Waters.  The right is not, until you prove otherwise.  Why jump to conclusions about the origin of this latest business until you have the proof?

But Newmark just jumps in and says it is a right winger who did it, and that makes it all even.  Maybe Newmark wants to believe what the left says, and that makes me wonder if she is really on the "right" side.

Limbaugh had something on his show today about this.  A little, but not a lot.  Just saying here, as I have been critical of Limbaugh, that some of what he says sounds weak to me.  It's almost as if he is also conceding that this was a conservative deal.  Or that conservatives don't act like this.

I would agree that conservatives should not act like this, but just in case someone did, then what?  The Democrats would act like Hillary or Maxine Waters, and justify it as righteous anger.  But if the Democrats were really hit by a conservative like this, they would be dumbfounded.  But that wouldn't stop them from accusing the conservatives of this in any case, because they have done so many times in the past.

If I were to make a movie comparison, the conservatives all too often act like George McFly in the Back to the Future movie, who couldn't stand up to the bully, Biff.  Conservatives seem to get bullied all the time, but their response is all too often like Dan Quayle, when he got blasted in the VP debate back in 1988.  You got to have a better response than this.

The so-called right are really no good at confrontations.  Like George McFly here, they seem to act guilty, when they are not.

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