Friday, May 4, 2018

Special Counsel Mueller investigation is well concealed political conspiracy

The working theory here is that the powers-that-be have to make it all look legal and legitimate with regards to the removal of Trump.  This is so as to make the plebes happy to go along with having their votes nullified.

Hence, the ruling class all sing the praises of Mueller when he was selected as Special Prosecutor.  Yet, nobody seems to want to admit that there are some problems here.

Comey and Mueller are special pals, or so it seems.  That has been pointed out already, but overruled.  The ruling class sets the rules after all.  But who watches the watchers?

That's why would they won't overrule the "tag team".  It is a rather far-reaching conspiracy between the powers-that-be and this annoited head of the Star Chamber  --- Mueller.  It is a "court" that protects the ruling class at the expense of the country class.  Trump has decided to represent the country class.  His infraction was to win an election versus one of their own.  They are aggrieved at his presence.  He must be forced out.

The model for this scenario has happened before.  There was a connection, it seems, between the tag team and the Clintons.  Both seem to be involved in the Scooter Libby prosecution during the Bush 41 administration.   They have a history together.  In a way, they were made for this Star Chamber spectacle.

For this is a political prosecution, not a legal one.  There has to be a law broken first, if that were the case.  These conspirators have chosen a target, and are now looking for the crime.  The "crime" is their fig leaf to cover up their own soft coup.  There is a political motivation behind this, it is not the "rule of law", but the rule of the powers-that-be at stake.   The use of questionable tactics in order to extract confessions and testimony seem to be a part of their bag of tricks.  You don't burn down the village in order to save it, you know.

The use of the law is to make the Star Chamber appear above board, honest, and above reproach.  We must all sing the praises of the "white hats that touch the ceiling types", like Comey and Mueller.  But no law was broken, so they have to try to manufacture one.   After all, justice must be served.  But the justice is not for the country class, but the members of the privileged ruling class, who feel aggrieved at the interloper Trump for depriving them of their right to rule over the rubes.

The political class approves, but that is not what the people wanted when they made Trump the president.  Thus, the political class is involved in the soft coup to overthrow the people's choice to be president.

Problem is, there is no way for the public to redress this harm.  Both parties are involved.  After all, they are in it together, this conspiratorial ruling class.  Trump was elected precisely for this purpose--- Washington does not listen to the people anymore, so we elect an outsider to "drain the swamp".  But the insiders are going to veto that.  But before they can, they have to manufacture an excuse that will allow them to do so.  If they succeed, what can the public do about it?

Voting seems pointless.  The next stage could be open revolt.   Perhaps we are at that stage, but hard to say at the moment.  The story is not quite over yet.

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