Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rise and shine, 2.7.16

Been awhile since I did a post by that title.  Reason being is that I feel pretty good for a change.  Been fighting a respiratory ailment for the last couple weeks, and it is now clearing up.  I tell ya, been fighting something or other for the past three months.  Hopefully, this is the last of this crap.  At any rate, at the moment, I feel damned good.

Well, I've been busy, in spite of these ailments, getting my plans together for the move.  If anything, these past three months have convinced me that if I really want to do it now, I could.  But, I'm inclined to wait it out.  Why?  So much stuff has happened over the last 20 months that I don't think I should risk another 18 months or so in a new place without my SS checks.  I think I could risk about six months, but 18 is too big of a stretch.  That's the thinking of the moment.  I don't have to decide for a few weeks.

If I signed a new lease on this place, it will be for a year, most likely.  That puts me in Houston until the end of March, 2017.  By that time, I will definitely be ready, unless something unforeseen happens.  Well, that kind of thing has a way of happening.

We all take our chances in one way or another.  Just to be a bit philosophical about it, you know.

So, what to do with myself today?  Pretty much the same thing we always do, Pinky.  Try to take over the world.

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