Monday, December 21, 2015

What happens with Trump is a watershed moment in US History

It seems that Obama is charging the white people of the country with racism, because of the Trump phenomenon.

I was just thinking-  that old magic is fading.  The magic being that if you denounce a political figure as racist, then their career is over.  Now that Obama has practically done that with Trump and his followers, the test of that magic can be seen as still all powerful, or fading fast.

The left's argument boils down to this:  If you care about the racist, bigoted country of America, that's only because that's what you are racist yourself.  Since Trump wants to "make America great again", then that makes you racist.  He's trying to bring back bad old America, which was so unfair to the rest of the world with her prosperity and power.

Until America is punished enough, it is unfit.  So Obama is there to punish the country.  That's what his speech really means.  Punish America ( white people).  Until America has been punished and changed enough ( turned non-white) , America must suffer.

I see Trump as America's last chance to right its own ship before she sinks for good.

It's too bad that there are too many people in this country who don't see Obama for what he really is.  That's why he was elected twice.

As for Hillary, she's just a crook.  I'm sure that if Obama could, he'd replace her with someone more to his liking.  Hillary will say anything.  She might even pretend to be completely different from Obama, if she thought she had to be in order to win.

She can't suck up to Obama, though.  She has to accuse Trump of being racist.  That's their playbook.  Anyone who tries to defend America, or see her prosper, will be considered an enemy.  This is what animates the left.

If too many people are convinced of the left's argument, then Trump could be the last chance.  The country will get through the disaster or it won't.  How it handles Trump is key.

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