Saturday, December 12, 2015

800 lb gator trapped near Houston

Not exactly news, but it is news to me.

Eight hundred pounds is a freaky big alligator as far as I'm concerned.  That thang can eat you up.

There was a story that a Florida burglary suspect was attacked and eaten by a gator.  Seems like a saw that on a news blurb somewhere.

Sugarland is where this 800 pound monster was.  Sugarland might as well be in Houston, don't ya know.  It's not technically Houston, but it may as well be.

You might wanna be real careful about kids and pets.  That's a big gator, yessiree.

It's a surprise.  I remember when somebody found some baby gators back in the seventies.  That's a long time ago and it was weird even then.  Frankly, I don't know how that thing got all the way to Houston without being discovered.  There's only five million people in this region.  They're saying that it wandered into the area because it was mostly blind.

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