Monday, December 7, 2015

Murderers have connections with jihadists

The husband's own mother was pro-caliphate, and his accomplice wife went to a university that was close to the centers of radical sectarian activity.

Instead of pointing to this, the leftists point to a guy who wrote against such people and was claimed to be at fault for his own murder.


A little more close reading to the NY Times article cited above lends credence to the proposition that there's an effort to cover up who the wife really was.

Pakistani security officials say there is no indication yet that Ms. Malik moved in extremist circles on campus or in the city. Yet they have sought to restrict reporting from the area in recent days, often by issuing quiet threats to Pakistani reporters to back off. The officials conducted a search of Ms. Malik’s former home in Multan on Saturday.
Sleeper cell gone rogue?

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