Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A good laugh never hurt anyone...

But a big gun just might.  That seems to be lost on the fellow here, who said

King... asserted over the weekend that white men who like guns are compensating for "small penises" and "low sex drive".
The scene linked to above drew a lot of laughs when it was filmed.  Yes, it may be connected in some way, but small penises don't kill, but big guns do.  And that last part wasn't really funny, ya know?

Just had a thought... that it might seem that I'm agreeing with gun grabbers.  No!!!  The point is that the criminal element doesn't care if you think they are compensating in some way.  You have to defend yourself, and the use of verbal aggression directed against a man's insecurities isn't going to work on the criminal element.


Don't forget to hat tip Ace for this one.  Great post by the way.

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