Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quayle is the prime example of the soft underbelly of the GOP

Quayle is out there talking about how Papa Bush was considering Trump for Veep instead of himself, and how he was glad that it was him and not Trump who got the nod.

I think this is a prime example of the soft underbelly of the GOP that the Democrats exploit time and time again.  Of course, Quayle got hammered in the debate with Bentsen.  Does Quayle think that was good for the GOP to see him get humiliated like that?  Wouldn't it have been better if Trump was there to square off with Bentsen if Bentsen decided to play it rough?  Trump can handle himself, and Quayle cannot.  After all these years, Quayle still doesn't get it.  The Democrats made Quayle the issue for the next four years and it was probably a factor in the loss to Clinton in 1992.

It is good to have Trump standing tall when most of the others won't.  That's why the Democrats are scared to death of Trump.  It doesn't help when a prominent member of your party confirms what Democrats say by attacking who could your party's standard bearer.  It only gives the Democrats more to talk about in order to gin up some scare talk about how dangerous Trump is.  Of course Trump is dangerous- to Democrats!  It is only helping them when you attack your leading candidate.

Quayle isn't the only example.  There are all too many others.  It was the soft underbelly that the Democrats exploited again when they went after Bush's son.  All those years of BDS ( Bush Derangement Syndrome ) and there wasn't any response coming from the second Bush administration.  If he played a tougher game, it may have made a difference.

After four years of Obama, and the Benghazi event, Romney still couldn't win in 2012.  He went "bean bag".  The Democrats are so used to the weak kneed GOP response to their outrageousness, that all they have to do is to call them a name, like they called Trump, and they run away with their tails between their legs.

If there is any reason at all for Trump's success, it is that he is probably seen as an antidote to GOP's soft underbelly.  They should be thankful somebody like him is out there.  They really need to toughen up.

Contrast the GOP with the Democrats.  The Dems could not be more wrong about terrorism, but they are still talking tough.  You have to hand it to them, when the going gets tough, they get tougher.  They don't fold up like a cheap accordion when the going gets tough.  Punch them in the belly and they come back with a haymaker.

Bush likes to say how the GOP needs to learn from the Dems.  There's the lesson in the paragraph above, but Bush would be the last one to notice it.  He wants to accept all their false premises instead.  He wants the Dems to like him, when they will never like him unless they can use him to defeat other GOP candidates like Trump.  He doesn't need them to like him, but to respect or even fear him.  When the GOP gets an attitude like that, one that can at least generate some respect amongst Dems, there may be some hope for them after all.

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