Saturday, October 31, 2015

Obligatory, 10.31.15; What would it take to start this up?

The proposition would be a company that took waste and made useful products out of it.  The process used for that would be plasma gasification.

Here's a couple of posts in which I covered the subject.  I referred to this proposition in order to mine an asteroid, as you may also recall.

What are the downsides?  It takes a lot of energy, for one.  But it is net energy, so it can produce more than it uses.  Not only the energy as a product, but it also reclaims a lot of elements that can be reconstituted back into whatever you wish to make.

The torches are probably pretty expensive as well, but I haven't priced one, so I don't know.  What if you could use these on a small scale, like on my ranch?  Is it too expensive to set up?  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had something called the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge.  What became of that?  Here's the video of the winner.

An idea here can be used for anything, like coal.  What the heck is the difference?  You take something regarded as waste and dirty, and convert it into something useful.  Is that really too difficult of a challenge?


A little research has located this company, which may be based in the UK.  It isn't necessarily plasma waste converter, but it does use some of the same ideas.


I won't be doing anything like this except perhaps on a small experimental basis.

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