Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Gun-free" zones aren't

American Thinker

Interesting article.  The writer probes the liberal mindset in order to explain the attraction of liberals for this type of policy.

When I think of liberalism, I think of the saying that there's two reasons for doing a thing:

  1. One that sounds good,
  2. And the real one.
What's the real reason the liberals want gun-free zones?  The one that sounds good is that it is supposed to stop gun deaths.  The real one is much uglier.

You can't tell the truth about it though, because it is too ugly.  We can't have that kind of ugliness out there.

The truth is that the liberals want your guns because it makes you utterly dependent upon them.  It is a political motivation.  It empowers them forever and leaves you powerless, which is what they like.

The ugliness of that last sentence would cause them to howl in protest.  They are good people.  You are just so mean to say it.

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