Monday, June 29, 2015

Won't be quitting yet

The reason?

If I can think of something to write, I will.  Like this afternoon, I recalled that someone wrote on a blog post, or article ( don't remember which ), the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire.

I discussed that on this blog, I'm sure.

I'll go over it one more time, just in case I didn't mention it then.  ( But I'm sure I mentioned somewhere on this blog.)

The reason why a society collapses is because of its leadership.  More to the point, it's because of poor leadership.  Strong leadership will keep a society moving in the right direction.  Weak leadership will do the opposite.  If there's too many weak leaders in succession, the society will fall apart.

I think that's worth blogging about.

The Roman Empire might have survived a good deal longer if they had gotten better leadership at a critical point.  Instead, they got a guy that all but insured that the Empire could not go on.

There's a lesson in there somewhere for the astute observer.  But this country has a lot in common with the latter Roman Empire in the west.  Nobody really gives a shit.  Even if such a man came on the scene, he might just be ignored.

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