Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fan Cooler Kit

Interesting idea.  Don't know if I can implement it, though.

I was thinking of something like this in a Ice chest that will condense steam vapor into distilled water, as with the basic system set up in a prior post.

I'd use a different tea kettle set up.  The one I'm thinking of will have a horizontal steam escape nozzle that will take the place of the one pointing upward in the video referred to in the link in the previous paragraph.  This will help prevent water vapor from re-entering the water that you are trying to purify through distillation.

The tea kettle will have one side facing the concentrated solar ray from the Fresnel lens, the other side will face into an ice chest that will preserve its heat.  Perhaps a water circulation device can even out the heat all along the surface of the tea kettle.  The escape nozzle for steam will jut out and have an appropriate hose that will capture the steam and direct it into a cold water ice chest that will cool it back down and condense it into pure water.

The two ice chests will hopefully get the most out of the concentrated solar power coming from the Fresnel lens and maximize the output of pure water.

This will go into the water subseries of the off-the-grid main series of posts.

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