Saturday, May 31, 2014

What about this virgin killer? part 5


This shall be the last I will write about this unfortunate individual.  Frankly, I'm getting sick of him.

I skipped towards the last of the manifesto.  He began to claim that he was a god.  That pretty much settles it for me.  He was certifiably insane at that point.  His "Day of Retribution" was a punishment from a god towards those who had been unjust towards him.  He felt entitled to a certain reverence, it appeared.

He got a lot better treatment than what most people get.  Rather than getting poor treatment, he was rather pampered and coddled.  I'm thinking at this moment that this was the biggest mistake made towards him.  As far as I can tell, he never held a job.  He didn't take his education seriously, and he never made much of an attempt to solve any of the problems he said he had.  Any attempt to help him would have not been appreciated nor cooperated with in any significant way.  For example, instead of procuring a prostitute for him, perhaps it would have been better not to.  He needed to be forced to earn his way through life as opposed to having everything given to him.

Interesting to note that instead of progressing, he was getting worse all the time.  One of his stories included an assault upon a couple girls for not smiling back at him.  He spilled his hot coffee on them.

What was missing in this person?  When could he have been turned around?  Was it even possible?

Also interesting to note that he didn't want to go to prison.  If he had, the gangs in the prison would have owned his sissy ass.

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