Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Man attacks woman, crowd intervenes, roles reversed, crowd laughs

According to this link from Instapundit.

My take from all this?  We are a rather mixed up culture.  Men acting like women, women acting like men.  We live in "interesting times."

You've got this virgin killer who can't get laid and is in a rage about it.  He kills people and the answer to this is to castrate men even more.  Then you've got the above story where it's deemed okay for a woman to beat up on a man.  The man is expected to take that garbage.  I don't think it was ever okay to beat up on anybody, but somehow it is okay for women to hit men and not okay the other way around.  Not saying that it's okay for a man to hit a woman, but why is it ever okay for anybody to hit anybody?  Yet the reactions noted from the above link suggests that the crowd approved of the woman hitting the man.

Glenn Reynolds is on to something here.  It's not a war on women.  It's a war on men.

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