Saturday, May 31, 2014

Focus Fusion responds to critics

On the Web, links lead to an analysis by Mike Hopkins calling your results “not even wrong.” What is your reply?

Dr. Hopkins’ analysis misses the whole point of our July 2012 paper, which was about our demonstrating record-breaking temperatures in our confined plasma. Hopkins complained that we had not demonstrated record-breaking fusion yields. But yields depend not only on temperature but on densities as well and we were not claiming any superior density or yield. The paper was about the record temperatures. It was demonstrating that this temperature—sufficient to ignite hydrogen-boron fuel, was indeed confined in a small plasmoid that made our paper the most-read one of 2012 in Physics of Plasma, the leading journal in our field. Evidently a lot of our colleagues got the point, even if Dr. Hopkins missed it. As to densities, we expect to greatly improve them and achieve record fusion yields as well in our next series of experiments."

I'm still supporting Focus Fusion.  Darn it.  I forgot about the crowdfunding effort.  Typical me.  I got things on my plate and some stuff gets neglected.

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