Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What about this virgin killer? ( continued )

At the end of the first post, I asked the question "Where was his father?"  After reading though the first 10 to 12 years of his manifesto, which reads like an autobiography, it appears that his father is mostly absent.  Also, he clearly preferred his mother.  His parents divorced while he was still very young.

He identifies a couple of his personality problems--- shyness and jealousy.  Furthermore, he is shorter and physically weaker than other boys his age.  He craves attention and admiration.  He pitches fits when he doesn't get his way.

Other impressions: intelligent but not intellectual at all.  In some respects, he should be considered fortunate since he grew up in a well-to-do family.  Basically, he describes his life as happy until he reached puberty.  With his jealous streak and his lack of physical stature, it may be easy to see how he develops an inferiority complex that complicates his social life.  But no evidence of a violent streak.  Perhaps this comes later.

There's a lot more to go.  Thought I'd stop here and give a short rundown of what I've read so far.


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