Thursday, April 3, 2014

How the left is trashing America

This Ace post helps illustrate my point that the leadership is at fault for America's decline.  Not that this was the thrust of his argument.  I've seen it written on that blog the same thing that I've heard on the Limbaugh show. It's the "low information" voters that are to blame.

No, it is not the people.  It is not the grassroots that's causing this.  Nope.  Here's how they do it.  The leftists go after the people at the top.  If they can capture the high ground of the culture, then they win the culture war.  It is a pure Gramscian strategy.  Ace's story shows how it is done.

One of the most widely-shared and lauded of the countless statements issued in response to the appointment was written by Owen Thomas, managing editor of Valleywag, a self-described “tech gossip rag.” This is such a remarkable document that I can’t help quoting from it extensively---Ace

Okay, the story is about the guy who was pro-family and he became CEO of Mozilla.  The left is in a frenzy over this and will not accept the man at the top having such views.  You see.  That is how it is done.

If you recall the flap over Chick-fil-A, the same method was employed.  It isn't always successful, but it probably does knock down somebody from time to time who would otherwise be a leader who would uphold traditional virtues.

That Chick-fil-A business really shocked me.  But since I was just a mere sheep, I had no idea that such a movement was underway and in high gear.

Make no mistake about it.  It is a coup de etat.  Hard to believe that leaders like Ace and Rush just don't seem to get it.  Even Ann Barnhardt seems to be blaming the sheep for what's going on here.

Same sex marriage is not coming from the grassroots.  It is coming from the elites.  They are forcing it upon us.  If you don't know your enemy, you are doomed to failure.  Sun-Tsu said it, and he wrote the seminal manual on warfare.

Rush knows about Gramsci.  I read it in one of his books.  Shame on him.  Shame on everybody in prominent positions who are blaming the little people.  If you can't bring this to their attention and instead blame them, you are a failure for a leader.


Another notch in the left's barrel.  The CEO resigned.  Somehow this has to stop.

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