Friday, August 3, 2012

Former Lecturer/Corporate CFO Bullies Chick-fil-A Clerk

Some homosexual activist bullies a clerk.  Proud of yourself, fella?

This is projection. He's condemning hate, but actually acting in a hateful manner himself.

Is this what it is coming to in this country?


Free market wins (this time)

One of the most amazing things to me about the Chick-Fil-A appreciation patronage is that private citizens are waging a free market battle against progressivism. While progressives want to use government to shut down diverse thought, conservatives don't. Conservatives will counter progressive boycotts with massive buying power, as seen yesterday. We don't need regulations or legislation. Conservatives battled progressivism within the private sector over Dan Cathy's free speech and conservatives won. Consider Vante's action another free market move.

But the free market can't win if the socialists take over.  You won't have the freedom to resist.

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