Saturday, August 4, 2012

Notes from Underground: Dostoevsky

This began as a type of joke.  With the craziness of the left descending upon us all, it seemed as if the conservatives would have to go Underground.  Voila!  The idea to read the book was born.  So, that is what I'm doing.

But no.  I'm not reading the book. I'm reading the online SparkNotes. No time, you see. Unlike Underground Man, I still have to work for a living. I begin with a bit of lightheartedness in spite of all the craziness surrounding us. Hopefully, I may find something interesting about this so I can write about it.

The Underground Man is a rather tortured person.  I do not relate to that.  Even if I am put in front of a firing squad, I won't be reduced to self-pity.  Even if the world is wrong, it won't upset my inner peace.  So screw it!

Update I:

I found something in common with Underground Man.  He considers himself a man of thought.  So do I.  But he has trouble doing anything with his thoughts.  So do I.

And so I read on.

Update II:

Underground Man has not started or finished anything, and believes he is intelligent because of that.  A rationalization for failure.

Another observation:  a bit about progressivism's belief that a man doesn't know his own true interests.  That gets to the heart of it.  The progressives believe they know your own best interests better than you do yourself.  Megalomania.

Update III:

Underground Man believes that man is inherently irrational.  As for me, I don't care if that is true or not.  In any case, I will follow reason even if it is irrational.  Try figuring that out.

Update IV:

The nature of modern life, which is a culture of interdependency.   One's work is not directly one's own-- alienation.  This reminded me of my post about machines.  Ultimately, we may become totally dependent upon machines.

Update V:

It is getting painful.  Underground Man is rather bookish.  I think that may be true of me too.  Underground Man is ineffectual in society.  Yeah, me too.  Sigh.

Update VI:

The Underground Man abuses people he considers is beneath him.  Sounds like the Chick fil A guy.

Update VII:

Underground Man realizes he's at the bottom of the heap, and it is killing him.  Yep.

Update VIII:

Underground Man is shut into his underground forever.  He cannot escape.  An allegorical tale that is about the rest of us?

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