Sunday, March 30, 2014

Brazilians say women in revealing clothes deserve rape

afp via Drudge


What's really going on here?  For a woman who displays herself that way- and not know the effect it has on men- strikes me as absolutely implausible.  A woman who does this is provoking a man.  So, is she really raped if he takes her?  She knows what she's doing.  A woman or a group of politically connected women who want to do this and not be "raped" are trying to exercise some type of power games with men.

Nobody deserves rape.  Believe it or not, some men are raped.  I checked this out before on the web.  It is really screwy, no pun intended.  But to declare innocence is implausible unless actual force is being used on the victim, and is being resisted with as much force as the victim can bring to bear.  In the case of male-female rape, I'd say that the woman can lessen the probabilities of a rape by dressing modestly.  In fact, it is absolutely necessary.  The element of force must also be present in order to quell the impulse.

By the way, the male v. male rape is a prison rape phenomenon.  The "male" is the stronger party and the "female" is the weaker party.  The male doing the raping actually thinks he is having sex with a female.  His ability to overwhelm the victim is what makes him the "man".  What makes the victim a "woman" is his weaker status vis-a-vis the aggressor.  If he was a "real" man, he could stop it.  This is what I termed "screwy" above.

Sexual tensions will find an outlet of some type.  Don't tell me that it isn't being provoked here.  What's really happening with these displays of mostly naked women who claim innocence is a power game with men.  In my opinion, they are not innocent and have no grievance.

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