Monday, March 18, 2013

World Inflation into Stock Markets, and Economic Armageddon

Chris Laird, Kitco Commentary


But I estimate the US Fed (this is an educated guess) is holding roughly ten $trillion USD ‘worth’ of Euros, or rather divide by 1.30 to get a number – maybe 8 Trillion Euros in secret accounts between the US fed and the ECB...We are now in the world stock bull of world COORDINATED QE intended to inflate the stock markets even though, the world economies are in the process of collapse!...Think on what I just said for a moment before u read on


It makes sense to me if they did this.  It also makes sense that they are going to start confiscating wealth wherever they can get away it.  The system must preserve itself, the rest is expendable.  That includes you and everything you care about.

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